Sunday, August 28, 2011

Variety Show

Lots of different projects over the past few days:

Joshua Chamberlain, a Union officer famous for service at Gettysburg.  I've been scarfing down lunch at my pesky day job and using the remaining time to do quick copies of Holbein portraits in my sketchbook.  I definitely need to keep that up -- I'm seeing real improvement in my portrait work after just a week of Holbein studies.  I don't know if I have the stamina to do this for a month, but even one more week will be fantastic practice.
Anatomy of the leg.  This is from Paul Richer, so it's less stylized than the Bridgman copies.  Less dynamic, as well, but I've never had this much success understanding the muscles of the lower leg and how they feed into the foot, so it was well worth doing.
And a little life drawing project.  I purchased a coyote skull on a visit to the Museum of Osteology ( a while back and finally sat down to draw it.  Lots of fascinating things to learn about carnivore skulls; maybe I'll pick up a medium-sized feline like a bobcat or something next time I'm there.

Thanks for bringing your eyes this way, and good evening to you!

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