Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More Portrait Studies -- Abraham Lincoln

I've continued my studies from Holbein, but this isn't one of them.  I was watching an instructional DVD by David Jon Kassan, and it inspired me to try my hand at a different rendering technique.  Essentially, Kassan lays in a tonal wash and then cross hatches over it (then rinse and repeat).  As Kassan points out, this is how Prud'hon created his fantastic figure studies.

I had a pencil and a sheet of bristol in my hand, and this is what happened. 
I think the forehead's a bit high, personally, but I still feel that I learned a lot doing this one.

I have a book of portraits by John Singer Sargent here that I may start studying from in the near future.  Much of the Sargent work is in good, honest charcoal and I think it will help me further develop my use of strong values.

Thanks, as always, for dropping by!


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