Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No pictures to post, but. . .

I'm polishing several drawings and should have one or more of them ready soon.  In the meantime, a parable:

A young man came to Sarnath where the Buddha was staying.  In the evening, he sought the Blessed One and asked this question:  "Master, what three things may I do to be a better figure artist?" 

The Buddha's reply:

Do not abuse, misplace, or otherwise violate the centerline.

Do not abuse, misplace, or otherwise violate the centerline.

Do not abuse, misplace, or otherwise violate the centerline.

The greatest source for dynamism and movement in a figure is that twisty, bendy spine that runs through us all.  But twist or bend it as you will, there is still a single line from the top of the head to the symphysis pubis (known among the unitiatied as a "crotch").  Hang a string of chakras on it if you like, but do not jerk it around in such a way that your figure's neck sprouts from the left shoulder or the lumbar vertebrae get jammed unceremoniously into one hip or the other.

I admit that the Buddha didn't actually say that last part.  He was pretty busy, and didn't have time to explain every little thing.  But we would all do well to consider his advice about the centerline.  He was the freaking Buddha, after all.

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